: Culled from Its not longer a new thing that PES is certainly the major game for football lovers, thats why PES 2015 + DATA is introduced to Android users, with a better feature than PES 2014, the different is that the 2015 pro evolution soccer version came with the following features #1. Never you abused me again in your miserable life if this is your best English so far den I quit, u win proff.

Still dont says u owned not a 4G phone see ur stewpid grammars huh nd b4 u accuse sum1 next time, do it wid d ryt brain cells. And never you abused me again in your miserable life, #shine your #peace Our leaders? Mtchewwww, out of point. N.B: Still dont says u owned not a 4G phone tho. Showing some screen shots of the phone(using another phone to take the pics) should have been better for your claim rather forming.Big Mouth. Anyway, it's not necessary you you insults before laying an explanation, moreover, i actually know what i'm saying(som niqqa wil actually tweaked their phones and comes here to claim OBO).

: lacking of home training shouldn't be extended to social network, i think our leaders has to do something abt that. After that follow the instructions given below. Just open the link which I have provided in the answer. Download and play PES 2015, and see just why it was voted 'Best Sports.

Get Pro Evolution Soccer 2015, sports game for PS4™ console from the official.