Use these buttons to conform that the spindle is functioning properly. Under the custompostgui.hal file, change this line: from: sets spindle-at-speed true to: net spindle-at-speed = cfd.spindleatspeed and add the line: setp vfd.enable 1 When you start LinuxCNC, you will a spindle section with the reverse and forward buttons, a stop button and - and + buttons. Add these following lines: loadusr -Wn vfd hyvfd -n vfd -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -p none -r 9600 net spindle-cmd-rpm-abs = vfd.speed-command net spindle-cw motion.spindle-forward = vfd.spindle-forward net spindle-ccw motion.spindle-reverse = vfd.spindle-reverse net on motion.spindle-on = vfd.spindle-on The dev folder in linux is typically used for interfacing devices and peripherals to the computer as these devices are communicated by simple memory addresses and these files are linked directly to these addresses. Check Spindle speed display You will want to edit the custom.hal text file located in the folder that was created from the stepconf wizard.